
Pay Attention to These Regulations about Probation Period

The valid period of probation
From the term of the employment agreement, there are 3 kinds of employment agreements in China as below.

1. The agreement with fixed term,
2. Non-fixed term agreement, we can understand this agreement is open-ended agreement, and
3. The agreement for completing a certain work. 

For the kind of No. 3 mentioned above, there is no probation period.
For the kinds of No.1 and No.2, the valid probation period is regulated as below.
-If the period of the employment agreement is less than 3 months, there is no probation term.
-When the period of the employment agreement is more than 3 months but less than 1 year, the probation period can't be more than 1 month.
-When the period of the employment agreement is more than 1 year but less than 3 years, the probation period can't be more than 2 months.
-When the period of the employment agreement is more than 3 years, the probation period can't be more than 6 months.
Salary in the probation period
An employee's salary in probation term can't be less than 80% of the salary signed in the employment agreement or the lowest salary for the company’s same position.
Social insurance& housing fund Welfare in the probation period
Companies need to pay social insurance and housing fund from probation term for their employees.

#These Regulations about Probation Period


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