As the Chinese new company law will be
implemented on July 1 this year, some companies are considering reducing their
From the consulting calls we received about
capital reduction, we feel that some companies still have some
misunderstandings about whether they need to release capital reduction announcement on a certain newspaper. At
present, capital reduction does not need to be announced in newspapers, only
through the national enterprise credit information publicity system is enough. For
enterprises in Shanghai, log in to the following government website to release
the announcement.
After 45 days from the date of announcement
of capital reduction, if there is no objection from creditor(s) of the company,
the change registration of capital reduction can be applied for. Please note
that 45 days is calculated from the next day after submitting the announcement online.
Please contact us with any enquiries
+86 021 6049 2821
+86 189 1629 8482